From the pages of Kadima, the Newsletter of Congregation Adas Emuno:
Religious School News
Cantor Sandy Horowitz
Religious School Director
As we come to the end of the school year, we bid farewell to our teacher, Aliza Neuer, who has done such a wonderful job teaching Judaics to grades K-1 and 2-3 this year. We thank her for her hard work and her enthusiasm, as she brought exciting projects and lots of fun learning to her classes every single week. She will be truly missed.
As we say goodbye, the school committee has already begun thinking about finding a new teacher for next year–if you know of anyone who might be interested and available to teach our youngest students on Sunday mornings, please be in touch with me or with one of the co-chairs of the Religious School Committee, Michael Raskin or Elka Oliver.
We also say “thank you” to all of our teachers who have continued to enrich the Jewish lives of our students this year. Thank you also to the madrichim who help out in so many ways, and to our various substitute teachers who have stepped in during the year.
Most especially, thank you to all the Religious School parents for making the commitment to bring your children to school each Sunday, and to the students themselves who come with their creativity, their insights and their enthusiasm.
The school year may be ending, but there are still several exciting events coming up during May and June. We will be celebrating the bar mitzvah of Dylan Priblo, David Goldstein and Zach Arnold–please see below for exact date information. Also, on June 10, we will have our annual (and very special) Confirmation service, as we give a Confirmation send-off to 10th graders, Ava Fisher and Emma Schuller, and honor all the post-b'nei mitzvah teens who have been studying with the Rabbi all year long. It promises to be a great evening!
Saturday, May 7
10:00 AM: Bar Mitzvah of Dylan Priblo
Saturday, May 21
10:00 AM: Bar Mitzvah of David Goldstein
Sunday, May 22
9:00 AM Final Session of Religious School
Saturday, June 4
10:00 AM: Bar Mitzvah of Zachary Arnold
Thursday, June 9
7:00 PM: Religious School Committee Meeting
Friday, June 10
7:30 PM Shabbat Service with Confirmation Ceremony
Confirmation Class Sessions:
May 1, 8, 15