Sunday, July 19, 2015

Cantor's Report to the Congregation



Cantor Sandy Horowitz

At our annual congregational meeting, held this year on June 25th, Cantor Horowitz delivered her first report to our membership, having completed her first year with us in the dual roles of Cantor and Religious School Director. To the delight of everyone in attendance, Cantor Horowitz delivered her report in a musical fashion, an unexpected but entirely appropriate delight. 

While her performance was not recorded, you just had to be there, she was kind enough to share her report with us, with the accompanying melodies clearly identified...

Hello everyone. I thought that, as your Cantor, I would present my report as a medley of song: 

Shalom Aleichem

Go-oo-od evening, congregation
It's so nice to be here.
As of this time I’ve been your cantor
For almost exactly a year….

Hine Ma Tov

First, thank you to so many people,
Rabbi and School Board and Prez.
Virginia, Michael Fishbein and Mark Rosenberg,
and Cohen, we know him as Fred...
In fact the list goes on, and on and on,
For my job would not be complete
Without the help of everyone.
(It takes a village.)

12 Days of Xmas (a musical nod to our interfaith members)

As we look back on 5775
Here are some statistics to take note. This past year we had:
9 bnei mitzvah students,
6 new school families
6 fabulous teachers,
5 high school madrichim,
4 confirmation graduates!
A family service for every grade,
High Holidays, and music in the Sukkah,
And the honor of being able to sing in the Talent show.

Maria (West Side Story)

On Sundays we always had Tefilah,
For the entire school,
The Rabbi made it cool... to pray…


And now here's some more about the school,
Cause we really, had a pretty amazing year:
A year with a brand new curriculum,
A year with teacher collaboration and creativity,
A year with a new snack policy,
Special programs for the holidays,
Singing in the garden by the peace pole,
I even composed some songs for the children.

The students seemed happy as they learned.
Thank you to the parents–for all your help.

Last but not least:


I also was the tutor,
to help students prepare to become B'nei Mitzvah

(truly a sacred task).
Every student learns in a different way,
And my job is help every single one of them,
They came every week, they did their best,
They encountered the Torah and they learned from it!

Then would come the day when they had to lead us,
And they made us proud.

Our children are the next generation of Jews,
They are our greatest hope, for the future of our people.

Respectfully submitted,

Cantor Sandy Horowitz

June 25, 2015

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