Saturday, September 21, 2013

Songfest in the Sukkah

Following Shabbat services at Adas Emuno yesterday evening, we were treated to a songfest in our congregational sukkah, courtesy of Joe Shapiro and Peter Hays. While they played guitar and sang, many others in attendance joined in the singing of familiar folk songs by Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, and many others.

That's Joe Shapiro standing, and Peter Hays seated to his right.

Last month, Joe Shapiro treated us to a series of folk songs played during the Great March on Washington in 1963 during a Shabbat service dedicated to the 50th anniversary of that groundbreaking event which culminated in Martin Luther King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech. 

The same theme of social justice was very much in evidence in our Sukkot celebration at Adas Emuno this past Wednesday evening, during last night's Shabbat service as the 8-day festival continues, culminating in Simchat Torah this coming Wednesday evening, services beginning at 7 PM.



It was quite a hootenanny, or sukkananny, or sukkaballo, sukkapalooza, take your choice. Whatever we call it, a great time was had by all in rocking out in the sukkah! 


We may have the makings of a new Sukkot tradition for Adas Emuno, and everyone agreed that we shouldn't wait a whole year before having another sing-along event again!

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