Friday, September 21, 2012

Presidential Rosh Hashanah Greetings

As he has in the past, President Obama has recorded a greeting for Rosh Hashanah which has been posted on YouTube and The White House Blog  (yes the White House has a blog too, just like us!), and which we're happy to share with you here:

And here is the text of Obama's greeting:
As we look forward to the beginning of the Jewish High Holidays Sunday night, I want to extend my warmest wishes to all those celebrating the New Year. 
This is a joyful time for millions of people around the world. But Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are also opportunities for reflection. They represent a chance to take stock of our lives and look forward to the coming year with clear eyes and renewed purpose. 
In that spirit, the Jewish Tradition teaches us that one of the most important duties we have during this period is the act of reconciliation. We’re called to seek each other out and make amends for those moments when we may not have lived up to our values as well as we should. 
At a time when our public discourse can too often seem harsh; when society too often focuses on what divides us instead of what unites us; I hope that Americans of all faiths can take this opportunity to reach out to those who are less fortunate; to be tolerant of our neighbors; and to recognize ourselves in one another. And as a nation, let us be mindful of those who are suffering, and renew the unbreakable bond we share with our friends and allies – including the State of Israel. 
In that spirit, Michelle and I wish you and your families a sweet year full of health, happiness, and peace. L’Shana Tovah.

Now, since this is an election year, and Congregation Adas Emuno is not a partisan institution, we would also like to share with you Mitt Romney's Rosh Hashanah message;

And here is the text of his remarks:
As we approach Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur I want to wish everyone in the Jewish community a happy and healthy new year.

The High Holy Days are a time for humility and reflection.

They are a time for families to gather and embrace our many blessings and they offer a chance to think about how we can improve our lives in years ahead.

The High Holy days highlight the role that faith plays in guiding our lives.

They inspire us to become better people.

I recently had the privilege of returning to Jerusalem for a few days, and during that trip I was reminded once again what a remarkable country has emerged in 64 short years.

Israel is a vibrant healthy democracy where entrepreneurship is encouraged, the economy is thriving and innovation infuses nearly every aspect of society.

Israel is among America's best friends and closest allies in the world and I believe no one should never doubt this basic truth: A free and strong America will always stand with a free and strong Israel.

Here at home Jews have also contributed greatly to the tapestry of our nation, public service and in the private sector.

The Jewish community has helped build our economy, helped defend our freedoms, and helped earn our special place in history.

We're grateful for that immense contribution, and we look forward to an even brighter future.

It's Ann and my sincere wish that you have a sweet New Year.

And with that, we can only express our gratitude to live in a nation where the two major candidates for the highest office in the land, and the most powerful position in the world, would take time out from their busy schedules to offer us their thoughts and warm expressions of friendship and fellowship on our High Holy Days.

To quote from Gates of Prayer: The New Union Prayer Book, published by the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR):
Grant us peace. Your most precious gift, O Eternal Source of peace, and give us the will to proclaim its message to all the peoples of the earth. Bless our country, that it may always be a stronghold of peace, and its advocate among the nations. May contentment reign within its borders, health and happiness within its homes. Strengthen the bonds of friendship among the inhabitants of all lands. And may the love of Your name hallow every home and every heart. Blessed is the Eternal God, the source of Peace.

Amen, Shana Tova to Barack and Mitt, may the best candidate win, and to everyone else, don't forget to vote in this election year 5773!

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