Sunday, January 10, 2016

Fatal Amusements Talk

Some of my fellow congregants here at Adas Emuno expressed an interest in the public lecture I gave back in November, in conjunction with my spending the semester at Villanova University, in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Since the talk included some discussion of religion, it seems relevant enough for our congregational blog, and fortunately, the lecture was recorded and uploaded to YouTube. The title of the talk was Fatal Amusements: Contemplating the Tempest of Contemporary Media and American Culture, and you can click on the link to go to YouTube, or you can always watch it here:

As I mentioned in the video, the lecture is based in large part on my book, Amazing Ourselves to Death, the subject of an article in the Jewish Standard entitled From Amusing to Amazing, also included here on our congregational blog in a post by the same name. And in case you're interested in ordering a copy, here's a link to Amazon:


 Of course, the talk incorporated some new material, as examples of politics, in particular, being reduced to entertainment have only multiplied over the past year or so. You might even say that the more recent examples trump all the ones that came before...

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