Thursday, September 7, 2017

Fall Out For Social Action!

From the pages of Kadima, the newsletter of Congregation Adas Emuno:


A Report from Annette DeMarco
Social Action Committee Chairperson


Hello to All!

Before discussing the up and coming programs being planned by the Social Action Committee, a sincere thank you needs to go out to everyone who brought in food during our "children friendly" summer food collection. It was most appreciated. We now return to a general food collection. Also, please remember to pick up your grocery bag with the Center for Food Action's list of most needed foods at the Rosh Hashanah service, and return (filled!), if possible, by Yom Kippur. Of course, donations are accepted after that, as well.

9-11, National Day of Service & Remembrance: Help the Center for Food Action to pack up week-end snacks for children in need. Two locations: Englewood Field Club (1 PM-3 PM or 3:30-5:30) or Lincoln Tech School in Mahwah (3:30-5:30]. $45 per person to participate; children under 10 are free. Register at or call 201-529-2029, ext. 27. Perfect bar/bat mitzvah project!

Saturday, September 16th, 8 PM Join fellow congregants for an evening out where a social event meets social action! Come listen to some soulful, folk music in a small, intimate setting. Performers choose an organization which will receive 50% of the proceeds. It all happens at the Ethical Brew in Teaneck. Please watch for emails or check with Virginia Gitter or me. Hope to see you there!

Social Action Committee Meeting Monday, October 16, 7:30 PM in the Social Hall. Please join us as we plan the year with new and "repeat" programming!

IMPORTANT⏤We will once again be cooking for and serving at the shelter in Hackensack on Sunday, November 5th. This is one of those "all hands on deck" programs, as we will be cooking for somewhere around 150 people. Won't you please plan to help cook and to deliver your food to the shelter? We will also need about 10 servers. Details will follow as the date comes closer, including timing and menu. Thank you, in advance!

Look for info regarding our new knitting group, coming soon!


  • Bergen County Protect & Rescue Foundation⏤Advertised as a true no-kill animal shelter. Located in Cliffside Park. Volunteers under 18 need to be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian. Go to BCRESCUES.ORG or call 201 945-00649.

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy new year!!


acheryl21 at

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