Friday, March 30, 2018

Rabbi Schwartz's Reading for Pesach 5778

From the March 30th issue of the Jewish Standard, we are pleased to share Rabbi Schwartz's special reading for Pesach 5778, entitled "In Every Generation":

In every generation/We come out of Egypt.

Let freedom ring.

In every generation/We stand up to Pharaoh.

Let freedom ring.

In every generation/We part the waters.

Let freedom ring.

In every generation/We march toward the Promised Land.

Let freedom ring.

In every generation/We teach our children.

Let freedom ring.

In every generation/Our children teach us.

Let freedom ring.

In every generation/We march for our lives.

Let freedom ring.

In this generation/Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech/We march for our lives.

Let freedom ring.

In this generation/Orlando, Las Vegas, Parkland.

We march for our lives.

Let freedom ring.

In this generation/Two hundred sixty five million guns fill our country.

We march for our lives.

Let freedom ring.

In this generation/Ninety seven souls die from gun violence each and every day.

We march for our lives.

Let freedom ring.

In this generation/Young and old, black and white, Jew and gentile… said enough; enough.

Let freedom ring.

*Participants at the Seder are invited to echo the repeating lines.

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